Understanding Star Registration: A Journey Through the Cosmos

The beauty of the night sky has fascinated humans since the dawn of time. The twinkling stars, constellations and galaxies spark our imagination and allow us to form a connection with the vast universe. With the spread of technology, the ability to register and locate these celestial bodies has become readily available to us. In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating world of star registration and everything that comes with it.

Firstly, let us define what we mean by star registration. Star registration is the process of officially naming a celestial object such as a star, asteroid, or a constellation. The historical context of star registration is significant since many civilizations such as the Babylonians, Greeks, and Chinese, used the alignment of stars for agriculture, calendar-making, and astrology. Now with modern astronomy, risks of duplications, and lack of regulation makes it necessary to establish clear and internationally recognized regulations when it comes to the naming of celestial objects.

There are various official organizations that oversee the star registration process. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) in particular, is responsible for the registration of all celestial objects apart from those for commercial purposes, which fall under several private companies. The IAU ensures that the names or registrations are unique, and each name accurately reflects the scientific characteristics of the celestial object in question. Since the IAU is the official body responsible for registering celestial objects, the names referred to are used by scientists worldwide.

In terms of the naming process, the IAU typically names celestial objects based on a set of guidelines that take into account the scientific, historical, and cultural significance of the object. For example, when naming planets and their natural satellites, the IAU uses specific categories such as Greek gods and other deities, whereas star names often relate to their position in the sky and their brightness. One example is the star Vega, which means the swooping one in Arabic, as it appears to swoop across the sky much like a swooping eagle.

Aside from the IAU, there are also companies that offer personal star registration services, often for a fee. While these companies may send certificates and other related materials as well as names, they are not officially recognized, and cannot be considered the real names of celestial objects. It is essential to note that it is impossible technically to buy a star and legally name it, and any company that may offer such services is not legitimate.

In addition to registering celestial objects, there are also various portable star maps and applications that enable star enthusiasts to observe and map the night sky. One popular application is SkyView, which uses your smartphone camera to display a view of the night sky. Some of the applications, like SkyView, also offer an augmented reality experience that portrays how the night sky would appear if you were viewing it from a different location on earth.


The night sky has been a source of fascination for humans for thousands of years, from ancient astronomy to modern-day star registration and observation techniques. Whether we use it to gain astronomical insights into our universe or connect with the beauty of starlight, the night sky is a source of wonder and awe in our everyday lives. As such, it is essential to ensure that all naming conventions and registration techniques are up to scientific specifications and follow established guidelines to maintain the integrity of the process. Now that you have gained insight into star registration, it is easier for you to appreciate the beauty of the night sky even more.

Pearl Dawson

Eliza Pearl Dawson

Eliza Pearl Dawson: Eliza, a landscape architect, provides gardening advice, outdoor design inspiration, and tips on sustainable landscaping.
